5 wineries you can visit today to get the most out of wine month

Wine month is officially upon us…


And we want to make it easy for you to take advantage of our Green Square verts location! Kelowna’s wineries are special in more ways than you might think. So, we created this list of them so that you can visit 5 wineries within 10 minutes of our condos and townhomes (currently for sale) at Green Square vert!


We want to say that we do not condone drinking and driving. The safest way to tour Kelowna’s wineries is to have a designated driver or a shuttle service like Kelowna Concierge.

So, without further delay, here are…

Our Top 5 Kelowna Wineries (within 10 minutes of Green Square VERT)

1. Sperling Vineyards

1504 Pioneer Rd.

Sperling Vineyard Kelowna


Our first stop in this winery tour is Sperling Vineyards. This winery boasts some of the oldest vines in Kelowna. After taking up residence in Kelowna in the 1800s, the Casorzo (Casorso) family wanted to find a way to support themselves and their heirs. So by 1920, they had completed planting all of their vines. Since then they have been contributing to the prestige of the Okanagan through their award-winning wines.


2. Tantalus Vineyards

1670 Dehart Rd.

The lobby of tantalus winery overlooking okanagan valley


The next location for your timely wine tour is Tantalus Vineyards. This winery is located only 5 minutes away from Green Square Vert.

Tantalus’ location is utilized to it’s full potential with giant floor-to-ceiling windows, showcasing a view of the Okanagan Valley that is sure to ‘wow’ even the most hardened tasters.

This location shines best when the weather has some character, so there is no need to shy away from the tasting room if it happens to be overcast. But if that isn’t enough to impress you, the wine will. Tantalus’ made Forbes list of places to visit for Sparkling Wine Lovers and has also received top scores on JancisRobinson.Com (a highly decorated wine critic and writer).

3. The View Winery

2287 Ward Rd


Nestled into the hills of the Kelowna’s east side is The View Winery. Passed down through generations, this winery used to be a packing house for their apple orchard. They soon got to planting special varieties of vines and have produced an exceptional variety of wines that currently boasts international favor. But even though they are paying careful attention to their award-winning wines, they haven’t forgotten their past. A large part of celebrating their history has taken the form of a new type of product. This new product is called Wards Hard Cider. A complex apple cider with a multitude of varieties.

The people are just as much fun as the varieties they offer.

Just look for the red shoe and you will know that you have made it to the right place.

the view winery barn wine tasting packing house

4. Kitsch Wines

3330 Niel Road


Located just 9 minutes from Green Square vert, we run into one of the youngest members of the Okanagan winery family, Kitsch Wines. Established in 2015, Kitsch wines make for a stimulating visit with its giant tasting center and millennial-focused branding. With a focus on small batches, extremely high quality and a view that attempts to knock Tantalus from its throne, this tasting experience is a must have for you and your whole family.

Girls holding hands kitsch winery okanagan kelowna

5. The Vibrant Vine

3240 Pooley Rd


This stop just might become your favourite Kelowna wineries you ever visit. Clocking in at 9 minutes from Green Square vert, the Vibrant Vine has taken an entirely unique approach to how they view and use the wine label and the space available on a bottle.

Rather than utilizing a square portion on the front of the bottle, they have taken to custom designing 3D wine labels. These labels pop when seen through the glasses that they offer at the entrance.

And this is not just a gimmick. They have won awards for this, as well as all sorts of categories (just ask them about their ‘Whoops’ varietal).


Wine tours are a great way to spend time with friends. We hope you find something special in each of these Kelowna wineries. Make sure to connect with us on our Facebook or Instagram and let us know which one you liked best!